Publications and Preprints

Google Scholar & Semantic Scholoar

Large Language Models

  1. Harnessing Business and Media Insights with Large Language Models
    Center for Advanced AI, Accenture & Fortune Media
    [paper] [product]
    [Category: LLM Training; Supervised Fine-Tuning]

  2. Measuring and Reducing LLM Hallucination without Gold-Standard Answers
    Jiaheng Wei, Yuanshun Yao, Jean-Francois Ton, Hongyi Guo, Andrew Estornell, Yang Liu
    (Under Review) [Category: LLM Evaluation; LLM Alignment; In-Context Learning; Supervised Fine-Tuning]

  3. Human-Instruction-Free LLM Self-Alignment with Limited Samples
    Hongyi Guo, Yuanshun Yao, Wei Shen, Jiaheng Wei, Xiaoying Zhang, Zhaoran Wang, Yang Liu
    (Under Review) [paper] [Category: LLM Alignment; In-Context Learning]

Trustworthy Machine Learning

  1. To Aggregate or Not? Learning with Separate Noisy Labels
    Jiaheng Wei*, Zhaowei Zhu*, Tianyi Luo, Ehsan Amid, Abhishek Kumar, Yang Liu
    KDD – ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2023
    [paper] [Category: Label Noise]

  2. Distributionally Robust Post-hoc Clasifiers under Prior Shifts
    Jiaheng Wei, Harikrishna Narasimhan, Ehsan Amid, Wensheng Chu, Yang Liu, Abhishek Kumar
    ICLR – International Conference on Learning Representations, 2023
    [paper] [code] [Category: Long-Tailed Learning, Group-Dro]

  3. To Smooth or Not? When Label Smoothing Meets Noisy Labels
    Jiaheng Wei, Hangyu Liu, Tongliang Liu, Gang Niu, Masashi Sugiyama, Yang Liu
    ICML (Long Presentation) – International Conference on Machine Learning, 2022
    [paper] [code] [Category: Label Noise]

  4. Learning with Noisy Labels Revisited: A Study Using Real-World Human Annotations
    Jiaheng Wei*, Zhaowei Zhu*, Hao Cheng, Tongliang Liu, Gang Niu, Yang Liu
    ICLR – International Conference on Learning Representations, 2022
    [paper] [data] [code] [Category: Label Noise]

  5. When Optimizing f-divergence is Robust with Label Noise
    Jiaheng Wei and Yang Liu
    ICLR – International Conference on Learning Representations, 2021
    [paper] [code] [Category: Label Noise]

  6. Fairness Improve Learning from Noisily Labeled Long-Tailed Data
    Jiaheng Wei, Zhaowei Zhu, Gang Niu, Tongliang Liu, Sijia Liu, Masashi Sugiyama, Yang Liu
    (Under Review) [paper] [Category: Long-Tailed Learning]

  7. Do humans and machines have the same eyes? Human-machine perceptual differences on image classification.
    Minghao Liu, Jiaheng Wei, Yang Liu, James Davis
    (Under Review) [paper] [Category: Human-in-the-loop]

Incentives in Machine Learning

  1. Sample Elicitation
    Jiaheng Wei*, Zuyue Fu*, Yang Liu, Xingyu Li, Zhuoran Yang, Zhaoran Wang
    AISTATS – International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2021
    [paper] [code] [Category: Information Elicitation]

  2. Auditing for Federated Learning: A Model Elicitation Approach
    Yang Liu, Rixing Lou, Jiaheng Wei [Alphabetical order] DAI – Distributed AI, 2023
    [paper] [Category: Information Elicitation]

  3. Incentives for Federated Learning: a Hypothesis Elicitation Approach
    Yang Liu, Jiaheng Wei
    ICML workshop – Workshop on Incentives in Machine Learning, 2020
    [paper] [Category: Information Elicitation]

  4. Beyond Data Sharing: Incentivizing Heterogeneous Clients in Strategic Federated Learning
    Jinlong Pang, Jiaheng Wei, Chen Qian, Yang Liu
    (Under Review) [Category: Information Elicitation]

Other Papers

  1. DuelGAN: A Duel between Two Discriminators Stabilizes the GAN Training
    Jiaheng Wei*, Minghao Liu*, Jiahao Luo, Andrew Zhu, James Davis, Yang Liu
    ECCV – European Conference on Computer Vision, 2022
    [paper] [code] [Category: Deep Generative Models]

  2. Consensus on Dynamic Stochastic Block Models: Fast Convergence and Phase Transitions
    Haoyu Wang, Jiaheng Wei, Zhenyuan Zhang
    (Under Review) [paper] [Category: Majority Dynamics]

(*: denotes equal contributions)